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Three Examples of Healthcare Webinars That Work

January 10th, 2024 Lauren Teneriello

The way the healthcare industry delivers its services may have changed (in-person to online), but one thing has remained the same: the need for personalized connection. These three healthcare companies put their best face forward in webinars that could connect — no matter where audiences tune in from successfully. 

Webinars that Rocked 2023

Here’s what they did to get to their wins:

GE Healthcare makes medical knowledge accessible

GE Healthcare

GE Healthcare pulled in over 1,000 registrants with very positive survey results from their audience. What led to such a strong connection? 

Using Elite Studio with screen share for its keynote presentations, GE Healthcare made content accessible with live closed captioning and on-demand translations. They also got the audience involved: patients followed along as the presenting doctor examined various ultrasounds by sharing his screen. Viewers were then encouraged to answer the doctor’s questions about the ultrasounds by responding in the chat. 

Part of GE Healthcare’s goal was for webinar attendees to walk away with an increased understanding of how abdominal ultrasounds are used to reach a diagnosis in a primary care setting. The speaker used real-life examples of patients’ ultrasounds and showed how different ultrasound settings can identify things like kidney stones. An “Ask Question” box was available for viewers who had questions along the way.

Enhancements used: 

UnitedHealthcare helps webinar viewers stay in the moment

UnitedHealthcare Screenshot

For its award-winning event, UnitedHealthcare got its audience out of their seats — literally. During its Agency Benefit Officer Seminar, the organization brought in a wellness instructor to lead its benefit officers on a little stretch break to keep the blood flowing.

For its main event, UnitedHealthcare made expert use of the features ON24 offers, from a branded webinar console and video pre-roll that gives the event a professional look and feel to playing simulive content that helps them to ensure quality presentations while still delivering a personable experience. 

The insurance provider also took advantage of other ON24 capabilities, such as content hubs, that helped rank the webinar high in Google search. And that’s before we get to the interactive tools they used — like polls, surveys, Q&A chats and downloadable resources — to keep attendees clicking. The result? High webinar attendance, an engaged audience and a limber cohort of benefit officers. 

Enhancements used:

UCB puts the audience front and center


To treat patients, healthcare providers in rheumatology need to understand their subject matter deeply. That means keeping up to date with the latest treatments and developments in the field. That’s where UCB steps in.  

UCB provides its audience of healthcare practitioners with the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in its Relife webinar series. 

To ensure its attendees understand the subject matter, UCB integrated live Q&A and survey polling throughout its event. In fact, after the event, UCB not only drove engagement, but boosted its conversion rate to more than 50% — in addition to excellent audience feedback. 

So how did UCB get these great outcomes? They took advantage of the ON24 branding console flexibility, along with a seamless registration process, not to mention integration capabilities between ON24 and CRM. Data collected from attendants was funneled straight to UCB’s sales team, saving them time and effort to focus on audience engagement efforts.

UCB also utilized ON24’s on-demand capabilities to offer viewers a chance to view at their own convenience. 

Enhancements used: 

  • Advanced integrations
  • Polls, Q&A and more

Webinars that Rocked 2023