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Webinar Topics that Drive Engagement and Registrations

April 23rd, 2024 Michael Mayday

For B2B marketers, webinars are a powerful digital marketing tool that can both engage audiences and convert them into customers in one fell swoop. But to create an impactful webinar that attracts a crowd and leaves a lasting impression on attendees, you need to focus on topics that your audience cares about.

But identifying these topics so you can produce these must-see digital experiences means you need to have clear and actionable insights into who and what engages audiences and why. And that means planning. Master the Art of Driving Webinar Registration and AttendanceFortunately for you, here’s a complete guide to why your webinar topics are so important and how you can choose the perfect topic ideas for your upcoming event.

Understanding the Importance of Webinar Topics

Female typing on laptop

We know webinars can help marketing teams convert leads, grow audiences, and generally accelerate pipeline activity on a marketing funnel. And the development of dedicated webinar hosting platforms like ON24 means they’re easier to set up and optimize than ever before.

But all of those benefits depend on selecting the right webinar topic. 

This is one of the first decisions you’ll make and will influence everything from your webinar’s content to how you market it. That means it’s a big factor in determining how many people register to attend and how engaged they are during the webinar itself.

Strategies to Identify Engaging Webinar Topics

Female writing next to laptop_Blog

The perfect webinar topic resonates with your audience. There are a few ways you can go about identifying these preferences, including: 

    • Analyzing existing data: Refer back to any first-party data you have, whether it’s the result of audience research or responses following a previous webinar or website analytics data highlighting your most popular blog content. This can provide direct insights into what topics your audience is interested in.
    • Consulting other departments: Sales and customer support teams often have a firm grasp on your audience’s needs, given that they’re in direct communication with leads and customers. Consulting them can give you webinar ideas that get to the heart of your target audience’s pain points.
    • Checking trending topics: Dedicated audience research platforms or freely available data from tools like Google Trends can help you understand what topics are trending in your sector. This can help you to pick webinar topics that are ahead of the curve, rather than behind it. 

When you’ve analyzed your audience’s needs and interests, you should have a stronger idea of what kind of webinar themes will capture their attention. You can then decide on a specific topic for your webinar. 

Digital Marketing Webinar Topics to Consider

Female looking at tablet

Digital marketing moves quickly, with constant developments in technology and user behavior. This means that a lot of great digital marketing webinar topics relate to current challenges audiences are facing. 

At the time of writing, those challenges include: 

Industry-Specific Webinar Ideas

Man waving at laptop.

The same rough principle that applies when choosing a topic works for other industries, too. When you’re coming up with ideas, focus on the specific challenges people in your sector are struggling with and use them as guidance for potential topics. 

Here’s some inspiration for webinar topics in a few other major industries.

Finance Webinar Topic Ideas

Audience interests in the finance industry are typically oriented around the challenges of the overall economic climate and how technology can improve efficiency. That means webinar topics like the following ideas can get to the heart of audience needs:

    • Using working capital management to handle inflationary pressures
    • Improving efficiency by integrating fintech in your business
    • How customer payment habits are changing and what you can do to adapt

Education Webinar Topic Ideas

The education sector, like so many others, is influenced by rapid developments in technology. Webinars focused on how to take advantage of new educational technology (or edtech) can help engage audiences, offering information that can help them to connect with their own customers more effectively. Potential ideas include:

    • Technology that can help you take advantage of the growth in remote learning
    • Using a multimedia approach to engage students in the classroom
    • How to attract more students with digital marketing

Real Estate Webinar Topic Ideas

To capture the attention of an audience in the real estate sector, focus on trending topics like how technology and data can be used to overcome challenges in portfolio management and property marketing. Potential webinar ideas include:

    • Using imaging technology to improve property listings
    • How to boost sustainability in your property portfolio
    • Integrating location data in your expansion process

Master the Art of Driving Webinar Registration and Attendance

Healthcare Webinar Topic Ideas

Challenges in the healthcare sector often relate to how businesses can improve their operational efficiency while also ensuring better healthcare standards. The importance of understanding mental health needs and their impact on both staff and patients is also trending. That means webinar topics like the following can make an impact on a healthcare audience: 

    • How to leverage data for better patient outcomes
    • Integrating automation in healthcare settings
    • Mental health management techniques to improve staff welfare

Manufacturing Webinar Topic Ideas

Businesses in the manufacturing industry are typically concentrated on overcoming challenges that limit their productivity or efficiency or on managing adverse market conditions. Webinar topics that address those challenges, like the following ideas, can effectively engage your audience:

    • What you can do to minimize supply chain disruptions
    • How to use automation in manufacturing to boost production efficiency
    • Methods to improve communication with your suppliers

Engaging with Expert Insights and Interviews

Female talking into laptop

Focusing your webinar on a topic that’s directly related to your audience’s challenges or pain points and providing actionable advice on how they can overcome them is a great start to creating a popular webinar. But you can further boost your webinar’s relevance and credibility by involving subject matter experts.

Experts, whether they’re from within your business or from elsewhere in your industry, can provide valuable insights that increase the value your webinar offers. And you can use their expertise in lots of different ways, from featuring them as panel speakers to interviewing them as part of your webinar.

As a secondary benefit, sourcing experts who have an existing audience of their own, like sector-relevant influencers or thought leaders, can also increase the attention your webinar gets. This is a great way to boost your webinar’s attendance numbers while also getting the value your chosen expert can provide. 

Repurposing Content into Webinar Topics

Female smiling at papers

Another method of coming up with webinar topics that you can guarantee will impact your target audience is to look for ideas in your existing content. Blog posts, long-form articles, social media posts and marketing videos can all act as direct inspiration for webinars.

There are two main benefits to using this approach to decide on webinar topics. The first is that it’s data-backed. You can look at your website or social media analytics to determine which pieces of content got the most attention and engagement. 

Then, you can think about how to adapt them to suit the webinar format, integrating more media elements and adding a Q&A section, for example.

The second benefit is that sourcing webinar topics from your existing content is generally quick and easy. Instead of having to conduct lots of research to figure out what your audience is interested in, you can just use data you already have access to. And instead of creating your webinar content from scratch, you can enjoy a big head start by adapting what you already have.

This works the other way around, too. If you create a webinar based on a new topic you haven’t covered on your blog or social media profile, think about how you can use tools to repurpose webinar content for those channels.

Crafting a Successful Webinar Strategy

Worker looking at a laptop.

How successful your webinar is depends largely on the relevance and resonance of the topic it focuses on to your target audience. To find the right topics, understanding the unique challenges your audience faces in their industry is critical. 

Using data sourced from your audience and any existing content you have, you can identify webinar topics that are sure to make an impact. As a result, you’ll be able to create webinars that attract more people and engage them more thoroughly.

And, remember, every webinar you host is an opportunity to learn. Follow up on your webinars by collecting your audience’s thoughts to continuously improve your approach to planning and creating them.  

Master the Art of Driving Webinar Registration and Attendance