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How ServiceNow Upgraded Its Digital Experiences with ON24

May 13th, 2020 Andrea Bartman

ServiceNow helps companies to better manage workflows for optimal performance. So, as a software company focused on facilitating efficient work, ServiceNow had to be at the top of its business-to-business communication game. That means making efficient use of its digital channels, especially when it came to interactive channels like webinars.

The company’s first webinars were hosted on a generic platform. While this was suitable for a short while, ServiceNow quickly realized its initial option couldn’t grow with its needs — especially when it came to engaging with its audience through interactive tools.

Enter the ON24 platform.

Along with increased attendance capacity, the ON24 platform empowered ServiceNow to employ new interactivity tools in its webinars. Attendees could download content, participate in polls, conduct surveys and get feedback on topics and programs. All of these new features led to increased engagement and provided a better webinar experience for attendees.

“Some of our big product launch events are thousands of people, so you can imagine the mix-ups, and things that happen with limited capacity. I think moving to the ON24 platform, it’s allowed us to really grow the program,” Rowden said.

Data Automation


But ServiceNow needed more than reliable, engaging webinars. It needed to be able to take advantage of the data generated within its digital events and pass those insights to its sales team.

ON24’s data automation features stepped up to the plate and easily integrated itself with ServiceNow’s sales and customer relationship management software programs. With these integrations set up, quality leads are funneled directly to the right representatives so they can continue the conversation without missing a beat. In fact, ServiceNow’s sales teams can even see who asked questions, what was asked, who downloaded additional information and so much more.

In fact, the functionality and success of ServiceNow’s data integrations have strengthened the relationship between the company’s marketing and sales teams. The marketing team loves running digital events because they can share important information through a high-quality platform and the sales team loves webinars because they can fill their pipeline with targeted leads.

“With the way that we have an integration set up, we’re able to give the sales team a little bit more detail in terms of lead behavior, which has strengthened the relationship even more. It builds that trust and that relationship between marketing and sales within the company,” Rowden said.

Simulive Success

ServiceNow takes advantage of its global business by offering simulive webcasts for special events like product launches, which take place twice a year and reaches a large customer base Through this feature, ServiceNow can easily broadcast video, conduct a seamless event and respond to customer and prospects questions from all over the world in real-time.

Before partnering with ON24, Rowden said she and her colleagues feared their webinars may experience technical issues in the middle of a broadcast. After all, high attendance rates could generate instances of the program crashing and participants getting kicked out due to overload.

“Thousands and thousands of people attend these events every six months, so just knowing we can support that is great,” she said. “With ON24, I don’t have to worry about technical issues during an event. That helps me sleep better at night.”

Content Lives On


With all of these webinars and digital experiences at hand, ServiceNow needed a solution that’d easily allow visitors and would-be attendees to find the content they want. With ON24 Engagement Hub, ServiceNow could provide its audiences with a powerful content hub they could turn to anytime on any device — even mobile.

In fact, ServiceNow’s on-demand content has gone global — providing customers in every time zone with the resources they need to make the most out of ServiceNow’s capabilities. And the company’s marketing team couldn’t be happier.

“I have to say, last quarter I think we discovered that the webinar program itself, all of the activities that take place throughout that quarter, it actually went to the top in terms of marketing-influenced activity,” Rowden said. “So, that right there was sort of like, mic drop.”