Meet ON24: Floyd Cousins, EMEA Account Executive

Meet Floyd Cousins, an Account Executive on the EMEA team, based out of London, England! Read on to find out more about Floyd’s experience at ON24, some of his favorite takeaways in his current role, and what excites him for the future at ON24.
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What is your position and what team are you a part of at ON24?
Account executive, CA1 – EMEA
How did you hear about ON24, and what drew you to join?
I was referred by one of the enterprise AE’s three years ago –and the fact that the tech was the best in the market really compelled me to join; I love selling this software!
How long have you been at ON24?
I started in Jan 2020, almost three years.
How has ON24 evolved since the time you joined?
It has scaled up massively, I have watched team sizes double! We always listen to our customers so things like ON24 Go Live and ON24 Breakouts have come to fruition in my time here.
What have been some of your favorite projects you have worked on at ON24?
An association was my first big win back when I was an SMB rep; setting up a five-year deal was a wonderful experience 😊
How has ON24 helped you with your career development?
Massively, I have worked with some great sales leaders who use their experience and mythologies to solve problems, drive deals and increase revenues.
What has been your favorite ON24 memory?
The first time I stepped foot in the office and saw the London skyline, I felt immensely proud of the position I had secured for myself; it was a pinch-me moment!
What excites you most about ON24’s future?
The constant innovation and evolution of our system capabilities. We are constantly adapting from new partnerships to new engagement tools, and it is exciting to see what we do next!
What advice do you have for prospective ON24 candidates?
Look at your current data and how it integrates with your tech stack, events are only valuable if we can understand the audience attending them. If you see gaps in your data, get in touch!
What is your proudest moment as an ON24 employee?
Supporting the team around me and seeing success across all functions when working as a team is always a great feeling.
What is unique about ON24?
The people – the support network we offer to clients is unparallel. And the data we provide gives a deeper understanding of your prospects and removes all the guesswork for follow-up and business objectives.
What has your experience been like adjusting to a fully remote environment?
It was a challenge at first, but now I love it. Having access to the kitchen for every lunch with every appliance I need, is a game changer! Although a meal deal does still sneak in from time to time.
If you could switch your role with anyone else in the company, who would it be and why?
I genuinely would not want to be in any other role other than sales. It is what I set my target on years ago and to be in the position I dreamt of years back is a dream come true.
Why should those in the Sales field be interested in joining ON24?
The coaching and development, the amazing, fun, and driven teams you will work with. Selling the best-in-class product is extremely rewarding, and an excellent perk as I mentioned earlier, the skyline London view!
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