Make Your Digital Campaign a Work of Art

As marketers, we spend a lot of time crafting creative content. But often, these incredible pieces we poured our time and energy into remain in a silo and don’t get integrated into bigger campaigns (like this blog – which we wrote just to hop on a meme bandwagon).
Content produced in isolation is never going to get as much attention as it deserves… it is destined to have a short shelf-life and fade away into the archives of the Internet.
Art, But Make It Modern
Luckily, we don’t have to rely solely on a creative genius to design campaigns that resonate. Today, we can use the digital tools available to us to develop a deep understanding of our audiences and their interests. We can tap into data on both content performance and lead intelligence before packaging up our best performing content to create long-lasting campaign experiences.
Collection Worthy Content
Here are five quick steps you can take to channel a modern Leonardo da Vinci or, more appropriate for the occasion, a Maurizio Cattelan:
- Identify an audience segment you want to inspire and look into the content you have that resonates with that audience.
- Select a mix of that content to support different consumption preferences and time commitments (If you lack content for a specific audience or a stage of the buyer’s journey, don’t panic: you’ve just found a great new content idea).
- Using a digital tool (as basic as a WordPress page or as functional as an ON24 Target page) craft an always-on content experience curated to your audience’s tastes — consider it your art gallery.
- After you share your composition, look at your data and critique your performance — emphasize content and lead quality.
- Finally, adjust your campaign experience to satisfy your toughest critics.
If Art Basel taught us anything this week, it’s that making art is easy if you have the right tools to do it. And, like bananas and duct tape, sometimes all it takes is using the materials already at your disposal and putting them together in a new, avant-garde way.
See how we made our campaign into a work of art, and learn how ON24 can help you strike the balance of using data insights and creating campaign experiences.