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Connection’s Three Steps for Turning Internal Trainings Digital

July 6th, 2020 Samira McDonald

Each year, Connection holds an internal training session for its sales team. The session trains team members on the latest healthcare industry trends and how Connection can address IT needs.

But Covid-19 changed things. The in-person event was canceled. To make up for it, and to keep Connection’s sales team in top-selling shape, they devised a plan to bring the in-person event into the digital world.

But first, the Connection team needed a solution to make the plan a reality. After a short review, the team signed on with ON24. The team now had 43 days to learn the ON24 platform, train presenters, record sessions, produce designs, test events and set up an experience Connection’s sales team would love.

Here’s how they did it:

Train up all participants

A webinerd and her coworkers discuss optimization

First, the Connection team needed to familiarize themselves with the ON24 platform. So, the team worked with ON24 to set up intensive training sessions for not only the internal Connection team, but also any sponsors that would be involved in bringing the virtual conference to life.

With everyone trained up, the team bought themselves more time to make the annual Healthcare University Training event a success.

Pre-Record all Session

With knowledge of the ON24 platform under everyone’s belt, the team turned its attention to recording the sessions that would go live online. To help coordinate, Connection teamed up with their Events Manager to round up all the sponsor speakers, scheduled recording times and recorded sessions. Their plan? To turn each session into a simulive event.

The Connection team also had to collect, compile and load speaker content for the partners to record their audio over their slides.

With simulive in place, the team could broadcast all 23 recordings while giving attendees a live experience through ON24’s Q&A engagement tool, bringing value to its partners.

One-Stop Hosting

To provide the sales team with an always-on, easy-to-access resource they could return to at any time, the team set up a specialized landing page using ON24 Target. With Target in place, the sales team could easily access each training session on their own time, allowing them to relearn as needed.

With everything in place, Connection managed to record an entire event, digitalize its training and provide its sales team with information they needed to keep driving sales in a digital-first world. And it did so in just 43 days. Now, the Connection team is planning out several more internal training sessions that they’ll carry out utilizing the ON24 platform.