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Digital Experience Strategy Critical for B2B Marketing Success Finds Report by ON24

Survey of high-performing B2B marketing teams uncovers that online audience engagement is imperative for revenue growth

March 11th, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO, March 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Today, the highest-performing B2B marketing organizations all have one thing in common: an unrelenting focus on digital experience. That’s the major finding in the newly released report, “Experiences Everywhere,” based on research by ON24 and Heinz Marketing.

“Now more than ever before, businesses with the best digital experiences will win. As current travel constraints make in-person events difficult, it’s even more imperative for marketers to innovate the way they connect and convert with their audience online,” says Sharat Sharan, Founder and CEO, ON24. “Our mission at ON24 is to help marketers create digital experiences that build authentic human connections and drive meaningful business impact across the entire customer journey.”

The “Experiences Everywhere” report finds that the marketers are embracing an experience-first mindset and building touchpoints for digital engagement at every stage of the customer lifecycle:

  • Top-performing marketers invest in digital experiences from acquisition to advocacy: Close to three-quarters (74%) say their “marketing is everywhere where our customers are” while 89% create dedicated materials that support the entire customer journey, not just acquisition.
  • Digital experiences are imperative for revenue growth: Almost six in ten (58%) of top performers describe their performance in the area of customer experience as “excellent” compared to just 27% of the mainstream respondents. Similarly, when it comes to driving engagement, more than twice as many top performers (45%) rate their performance in such terms versus the mainstream (21%).
  • Successful digital strategies require sales-marketing alignment: Marketers with the highest levels of success demonstrate stronger alignment with their colleagues in sales at a strategic level. The vast majority (92%) say “sales agrees that marketing is aligned with revenue objectives and goals” compared to just 63% of the mainstream.

To help marketers continue to make human connections in a digital world, ON24 has developed a one-stop resource center that contains strategies and best practices for virtualizing physical events. It will also run a series of live webinarsfocused on helping marketers cross the physical-digital event divide, including a special edition of its Webinar Best Practices Series on the topic, “How to Bring Physical Events into the Digital World,” on March 20th at 11am PT.

Methodology: The online survey took place in January 2020 and saw 137 B2B marketing professionals participate, coming from across various roles, industries and organization sizes.

About ON24

ON24 is on a mission to transform the way marketers market, powering the live, always-on and personalized experiences that businesses need to create engagement, deliver data, find demand and drive revenue. Through the ON24 platform, marketers can build data-rich, interactive webinar and content experiences, understand audience behavior and turn that intelligence into action. Informed by more than a billion engagement minutes — including 12 million polls, 1.3 million surveys, 1.5 million conversations, and conversion of over 17 million resources — marketers drive more revenue from ON24 experiences than any other digital channel. Headquartered in San Francisco, ON24 has a wide global footprint with eight offices in key regions, including London, Munich, Singapore, Stockholm and Sydney. For more information, visit

CONTACT: Keith Chapman,