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ON24 environmental policy 

Purpose & scope

ON24 recognizes the urgency and severity of climate change and the impact that businesses can have on our environment. Our objective is to promote environmental sustainability efforts both inside and outside our company. We recognize that we have a role in combatting the impacts of global warming. 

Our commitment

Data center/infrastructure 

  • Partner with our hosting providers, and other partners that help deliver our cloud services to minimize the environmental impact of running our infrastructure.   
  • Seek opportunities to increase the use of renewable energy, reduce emissions, and protect natural resources, like water, from our hosting operations. 

General operations 

  • In partnership with building management, minimize the environmental impact of operating our offices through emissions reductions, energy savings, waste reduction, and water conservation efforts. 
  • Promote recycling and composting in all of our global offices.  
  • Eliminate single-use plastic cups and utensils in ON24 offices and increase access to compostable and reusable kitchen supplies.  
  • Responsibly dispose of electronic waste in partnership with providers who have R2, e-Stewards, or other recognized certifications for environmentally sound electronic waste disposal. (We do not ship any e-waste to foreign countries as described by the Basel Convention. Other than e-waste, we do not generally produce hazardous waste in our operations.  
  • Encourage virtual interactions and eliminate unnecessary business travel, when possible, to reduce our environmental impact.   
  • Continue to explore ways to combat the effects of climate change and promote environmental sustainability.  

Real estate 

  • Expect our suppliers, vendors and partners to honor the principles of this Policy in their business operations.  
  • Encourage our suppliers to operate in an environmentally responsible manner, strive to minimize adverse impact on the environment, reduce waste whenever practicable, and comply with all applicable environmental laws, rules and regulations where they operate.  
  • Collaborate with suppliers to work together on projects that reduce our combined environmental footprint.   
  • Integrate sustainability objectives to our procurement processes, where feasible, including supplier evaluation and selection, supplier onboarding, contracts and performance evaluation.  


  • ON24’s internal Environmental Working Group, which includes senior managers from various departments, will assess and monitor our environmental goals and impacts annually.