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Messaging App | Case Study | ON24

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Enterprise technology provider drives $25 million in pipeline with ON24

  • $25M

    in pipeline driven in one year

  • $3M

    in pipeline from a single webinar

  • 10k+

    in leads generated



Use Cases

Number of Employees

  • 2,501 to 10,000


The team at this enterprise technology provider uses ON24 to engage target audiences, provide insights to sales, and drive pipeline for the business.


This enterprise technology provider has become a platform loved by remote workers and distributed teams, allowing people to connect and engage with colleagues and collaborators at any time and from anywhere. But when the pandemic hit, just as much of the world could no longer meet in person, this organization discovered that while their users were engaging with each other more than ever, their digital engagement program left a lot to be desired.

Their digital engagement program and webinars were reactive rather than strategic, being produced only after being requested by other teams in an ad-hoc methodology.

Furthermore, the experience offered was basic, consisting of little more than a pre-recorded screen share or presentation, links to resources and post-event survey questions. Audience engagement was low, and with none of the webinars being live, there was no opportunity to use Q&A and connect directly with viewers in real time — leading to a lack of insights, data and few leads.

The organization realized that if they wanted to engage their buyers and customers properly, a different approach to their webinar strategy was needed. They needed to take a streamlined approach to their webinar programming, designing experiences that maximized engagement and generated revenue.

"In one year we’ve been able to drive $25 million in marketing pipeline — and we wouldn’t have been able to do it without ON24."

Webinar Program Manager


Their Webinar Program Manager decided that lasting webinar success required aligning to their companies go-to-market company-wide strategy.

In coordination with partners across the business, their team proactively created a quarterly webinar schedule tied specifically to company objectives and priorities. Rather than creating webinars in a rushed manner in response to a request, a clear process was shared and slots were allocated ahead of time.

Webinars were standardized into one of three types, with audience experiences pre- configured and templatized in ON24: those targeting a specific line of business, a specific industry, or wider thought leadership. This made audience experiences more consistent and running programs more efficient. They also created specific channels for each webinar in their communication tool, allowing both speakers and relevant sales reps to plan more effectively and amplify results.

The ON24 platform also allowed this enterprise technology provider to design experiences that maximized engagement with their target buyers. Moving to live webinars with video allowed speakers to better connect with the audience, while the real-time Q&A enabled the presenters to engage on a one-to-one basis. Live polls and other engagement tools drove further interaction, providing unique first-party data that sales could use in their conversations. Sales-ready buyers could also book a meeting or sign-up for a trial directly from the webinar.

Using ON24 landing pages also allowed the team to deliver personalized webinars and curated content to priority industries and high- value audiences, further boosting interest and driving interactions beyond a single webinar.

Through ON24 integrations and its native integration with Salesforce, first-party data collected through webinar registrations allowed reps to quickly identify engaged decision makers, as additional data such as job title and role enabled prompt routing and follow up. The insights gathered through analytics also made it easy to create reports for sales to understand more about each buyer and their likely needs based on their behavior.

With rich insights now available, the team can continuously optimize their approach and remain efficient. “If we’ve done a webinar and we’re not seeing any pipeline for it, we’re able to decide whether doing that topic or targeting that audience again is worth it. We can focus more on quality over quantity.”

"What is great about ON24 is being able to pull in key data and transfer that information over to Salesforce through our integration. Our sales team has all that information in there. They can see it and understand the attendees quickly which informs follow-up. That is extremely helpful."

Webinar Program Manager


By taking advantage of ON24’s capabilities, the team has transformed the performance of their webinars.

Effective use of ON24 engagement and conversion tools means that buyers are interacting more than ever, at a rate of reaching over 2,000 attendees per month in 2023 … This means more data than ever before, which informs better follow-up, and ultimately more closed- won business.

This engagement has resulted in an exceptional impact on pipeline, with webinars driving 10,000 opportunities and $25M in pipeline — with the top webinar driving $3M alone. With the organization now looking at further improvements, such as incorporating the ON24 Prospect Engagement Profile which informs sales conversations directly into contact records within Salesforce, this performance is likely to grow further bolstered by even more powerful data.

Impressed by these results, people from across the business are now looking to run webinars directly. With the processes in place, the webinar team is now looking to onboard others to scale success.

"Now we’ve got our program up and ramped, everyone’s excited and wants to do a webinar. We’re looking at training other teams on how to use ON24. Instead of just me, after teaching them the ropes they will be able to do it themselves."

Webinar Program Manager

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