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#Webinerd of the Week: Jocelyn Robertson

October 4th, 2019 Michael Mayday

At ON24, we take pride in our community of webinar experts. We call them “webinerds.” They’re the ones who come up with innovative new uses for webinars, develop and design eye-popping landing pages and create such a unified webinar program that you can’t help but wonder how they managed it.

To show you what the ON24 community is all about, and what it’s up to, we’re highlighting some of the top #webinerds in the industry.

This week, we’re featuring Jocelyn Robertson, Webinar/Webcast Producer at Edelman Financial Engines. With more than 10 years of experience in the financial services industry, Jocelyn how important it is to keep customers engaged and interested in content. To help keep clients and prospects engaged, Jocelyn makes expert use of webinars.

We asked Jocelyn a few questions about herself and what she thinks of the ON24 platform. Here’s what she had to say:

To you, what does it mean to be a webinerd?

To me, being a webinerd means understanding the marketing and lead generation power of webinars and offering them as a solution for everything!

What app or tool can you not live without?

My Outlook and Google calendars. I can’t live without them at work or at home. I also love that I can integrate my ON24 webinars directly into them using Zapier!

When you’re not in the office, you’re…

At home hanging out with my family or binge-watching something on Netflix or Hulu.

What is one of your career highlights? What are you most proud of in your career thus far?

Winning the ON24 Content Re-Generator for a project I worked on that solved a very big need we had for our clients.

What do you love about ON24?

There are a few things I love about ON24! First of all, I love how interactive the audience console is. In a multi-tasking world, keeping your audience engaged in your webinar isn’t easy. The audience console allows your audience to fill the need to multitask, but stay on the console and do it with your content and widgets.

Secondly, they [ON24] are great at constantly making improvements to their platform and staying up on current trends. They are always willing to listen to suggestions from their users and keep that information in mind for updates.

How has the ON24 webinerd community helped you?

I love being able to come to the community and see how others are using ON24. I think it’s a great place to share ideas that can help improve what we are doing with webinars.

About The Author

Michael Mayday Headshot

Michael Mayday

Global Lead, Digital Content, ON24

Michael is a B2B content marketer, social media manager, copywriter, ghostwriter, content strategist, SEO lead, content manager, conversational marketer and editor at ON24.