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Webinar Best Practices Series: During Your Webinar

August 6th, 2019 ON24

There’s a lot of activity that goes into crafting a webinar. But what are you supposed to do when you host that webinar? Well, we have a few tips for you. Learn what to do during your webinar and take your first step to becoming a #webinerd.


You’ve got your killer content, your presentation is knock-it-out-of-the-park gorgeous and registrations are rolling in. Now you need to make sure you’ve got a well-rehearsed, energetic and engaging presenter that can bring it all to life. Your presenter can be someone internal or a third-party speaker, but they must be an expert on your chosen topic and a well-rehearsed public speaker. If you’re using a first-timer, informal formats like roundtables or coffee chats can help take the pressure off. Once you have everything and everyone in place, practice. Then, practice some more. When it’s showtime, speak slowly and clearly, make eye contact with the camera (not your computer screen) and smile.

How to Become a Superstar Webinar Presenter

A webinar is your time to shine. Rise to the occasion by following the example of our own webinar superstar Mark Bornstein. He’ll share practical advice based on his many years in front of the lens.


Give your audience a voice during your webinar by inviting them to share ideas, provide feedback and brainstorm. Open the floor to Q&A, and break up your slides with surveys and polls. Encourage attendees to spread the word on social media, and provide hashtags to help them do it. Get everyone talking, and keep the conversation going even after your event ends.

The Art of Becoming a Great Webinar Presenter

Whether you’re a webinar superstar in the making (see above) or a behind-the-scenes Spielberg who wants to make the most of their on-screen talent, this guide can help you understand how to host a webinar that people love to watch and want to share.