Three Law Firm-Inspired Webinars You Can Use Now

It’s no secret that law firms around the world are currently stepping up their thought leadership to guide clients to a brighter, more prosperous future. At ON24, we’ve seen a significant increase in webinar programming over the past few months as more and more firms seek to help clients navigate the rapidly evolving business climate of today’s uncertain times.
Think this article can only be applied to law? Objection! Read through and discover three new formats you can apply to your marketing program. (Disclaimer: This article was originally published on Shared with the author’s permission.)
And we’ve seen three types of programs that stand out as particularly effective. These are the expert law firm webinars your lawyers should start producing today:
1. Programs that Bring in Experts
Inviting experts to present in law firm-inspired webinars is a good way to deliver insightful perspectives on the top-of-mind issues that affect your clients. That’s what Norton Rose Fulbright does in its webinar Global pandemic, 9/11 and US businesses: Legal and political risks of doing the ‘right’ things wrong during an emergency. In this case, the expert happens to be a Norton Rose lawyer, but there’s no denying that George Pataki, the former governor of New York who was in the office on 9/11, brings valuable context to the discussion of what to do – and not do – during a crisis.
…your audience will appreciate the expert’s perspective, and you’ll enhance your reputation as a firm…
Centered around a discussion of how companies can benefit from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act – the CARES Act – Governor Pataki offers practical direction on anticipating the effects and alleviating the risks of a crisis situation like a pandemic, particularly when seeking relief from the federal government.
Consider bringing in a local, state, federal, or foreign government official or an industry insider to add insight to your legal and strategic analysis. Your audience will appreciate the expert’s perspective, and you’ll enhance your reputation as a firm that can deliver relevant guidance from expert sources through the innovative format of a law firm webinar.
2. Programs that Help Your Audience Meet a Specific Need
Getting continuing education credit – CLE for lawyers, CPE for accountants, CEUs and PDCs for HR professionals, and more – can be challenging under the best of circumstances. That’s why it’s imperative for law firms to offer programs that help their clients meet requirements for ongoing professional development.
For example, Ulmer & Berne recently put on The New Restrictive World of Business Immigration: Strategies to Hire and Maintain Foreign Talent, a law firm webinar outlining recent immigration developments relevant to employers. The program was designed for both lawyers and human resources personnel, so Ulmer provided both CLE and HRCI credit.
…offer programs that help clients meet requirements for ongoing professional development.
Not sure exactly which types of certification are necessary for your clients and their personnel? Ask them. They’ll welcome your interest and – more to the point – they’ll sign up for your continuing education webinars to earn the credits they need to maintain licenses and professional standing.
3. Programs that Provide Practical Advice for Responding to Complex Issues
In recent years, programs that provide practical advice for responding to complex issues have become particularly relevant amidst a world both struggling with and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Law firm clientele have struggled with meeting contractual obligations, the toll of a fluctuating global economy, the cost of employee furloughs and layoffs, and plenty more.
…your clients need practical advice that guides them through the risks and challenges of doing business…
Lawyers are well positioned to alleviate those concerns with programs that offer practical advice and pragmatic solutions for responding to crises. Your clients need practical advice that guides them through the risks and challenges of doing business in unprecedented times, both past and present. Focus your law firm-inspired webinar programs on useful, specific measures they can adopt to reduce uncertainty and position themselves for recovery when a crisis has passed.