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ON24 Will Make Austin Webi-weird at SiriusDecisions Summit 2019

April 25th, 2019 ON24

There’s a lot of noise out there in the B2B world — especially when digital is involved. How can you break through it? Simple: by getting serious about engagement and getting yourself to SiriusDecisions Summit 2019. That’s right, webinerds, we’re about to get webi-weird in Austin, Texas.

SiriusDecisions Summit runs from May 5-8 at the Austin Convention Center — and we’ll be there in full force to help you break through the digital noise. Here’s how:

ON24 at SiriusDecisions Summit 2019

The Booth

Have a burning webinar question? Need to cut your way through the digital noise? Join us at booth #625 to make it happen. We’ll have webiexperts on hand to answer any questions you may have and show you how your marketing program can stand out and deliver genuine engagement with prospects and clients with webinars. We’ll also have a short webinar assessment tool you can use to measure how your webinar program stacks up.

The Sessions

SiriusDecisions recently said webinars “are the highest rated human touchpoint.” As a result, webinars are the primary channel to drive prospects from lead to revenue. But how can you drive the results you want to see from your webinars?

Mark Bornstein, our Vice President of Content Marketing and Webimaster, will show you how to build engaging audience experiences putting “human marketing” at the front of your programs and campaigns. Mark will host two sessions in meeting room 13AB on Tuesday, May 7, and Wednesday, May 8, at 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on both days. During these sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to learn:

  • Which webinar formats drive engagement
  • How to use webinars at every stage of the buying cycle
  • How to turn webinar engagement into actionable data
  • How to use webinars to supercharge ABM programs

The Fun

It’s not a conference unless there’s some offsite fun. So, to provide you with that fun, we and our Account-Based Marketing Leadership Alliance friends are putting on a little speakeasy cocktail reception on May 6 from 7:30-10:30 p.m. Will there be signature cocktails? Of course. There’ll also be live music, Prohibition-era stories and much more.

Oh, and there’s one last thing we forgot to mention: swag. We’ll have some sweet, sweet swag for you to grab at booth #625, including stickers, pens and the chance to win some noise canceling headphones. But you can only get ’em if you stop by our booth!

We’re looking forward to a great SiriusDecisions Summit and can’t wait to see you there.