Meet ON24: Tess Phan

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Meet Tess Phan – one of our recruiters based in California! Tess, along with our extraordinary Talent Acquisition team, ensures that ON24 is equipped with the brightest talent on the market. To find out more about Tess’s experience at ON24, her favorite ON24 memories, and what advice she would give prospective candidates, read below!
What is your position and what team are you a part of at ON24?
I am a Recruiter on the recruiting and HR team.
How did you hear about ON24, and what drew you to join?
I saw a job posting for ON24 on LinkedIn. I had never heard of the company before. Still, I was so excited to learn about such an exciting company whose mission seemed valuable and relevant to the virtual age we are experiencing. Also, once I started interviewing with the team, I realized how people want to stay at ON24 and grow their careers – something I was looking for in a company.
How long have you been with ON24?
A little over a year. I joined in May 2020.
How has ON24 evolved since the time you joined?
Oh wow, so much! We have grown like CRAZY! Being on the recruiting team has been so exciting. We have hired over 400 employees since I have been here!
How has ON24 helped you with your career development?
ON24 and my leaders have invested so much into my career development and growth. They have given me so many opportunities to try new things and take on new roles. I have always felt encouraged while working here, and I cannot wait to continue to grow with ON24.
What has been your favorite ON24 memory?
Finally getting to meet my team in person! I joined ON24 at the start of the pandemic, and because I was working remotely, I couldn’t see any of my team face to face. When restrictions loosened, we went out to lunch, and they showed me around the office in San Francisco – I can’t wait to visit again!
What excites you most about ON24’s future?
How much we will continue to grow. From a recruiting perspective, I love that we will always be adding new and exciting talent to ON24, and I can’t wait to see how these people I help hire contribute to ON24’s success.
What advice do you have for prospective ON24 candidates?
Do your research before your interview. It will make interviewing easier because you will realize how excellent our product is!
What is your proudest moment as an ON24 employee?
In February, when we became a public company! It was such a cool experience.
What is unique about ON24?
The people! Everyone here is very excited about what we do. I think it shows how many people choose to stay at ON24 and grow their careers. It is not uncommon to talk to someone at ON24 and realize they have been here 5,6, even ten years.
What has your experience been like adjusting to a fully remote environment?
I joined in May 2020, so I only know working at ON24 as a remote employee, but I can say that the team has made everything accessible, and even though for a long time I had never met my colleagues in person, I always felt welcomed and a part of the team.
If you could switch your role with anyone else in the company, who would it be and why?
Either Mike Badgis (VP Global HR and Facilities) or one of the Sales Development Managers. I would choose Mike because I would love to see all the challenges he is faced with and what is going on behind the scenes! I would choose one of the SDR managers because I hire a lot for that team, so it would be awesome to be in the shoes of the managers to understand their expectations better!
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