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Meet ON24: Jessica Marinescu

August 27th, 2021 ON24

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Meet Jessica Marinescu is one of our Senior Account Managers at ON24! As a member of our Top Enterprise Global Accounts team, Jessica plays a vital part in delivering our exciting new product updates to many of our essential clients. Take a look below, as Jessica shares her experience at ON24 and what makes ON24 a leader in the era of digital transformation!

What is your position & what team are you a part of at ON24?

Based in Orange County, California, I am a Senior Account Manager for our Top Enterprise Global Accounts team.

How did you hear about ON24, and what drew you to join?

I had worked in the publishing world before ON24…The Economist and The LA Times to name a few, and I was looking for a BIG change. I have always had a passion for technology and innovation, so I reached out to a former colleague who was then a Director at ON24, and she recommended me for an open AE Role. ON24 check marked all the boxes of the type of organization I wanted to be a part of.

I won’t lie; the interview process was intense but so well worth it. I had to interview with five people at ON24 before my hire, the final interview being our dear CEO, Sharat! And the rest is history.

How long have you been with ON24?

On August 1st, I will celebrate my half a decade anniversary! Wow, time flies when you are having fun!

How has ON24 evolved since the time you joined?

We have really grown in the past five years in terms of innovation. When I first joined ON24, I would listen to our CEO talk about the vision he had to create an all-encompassing solution for B2B marketers.

Five years later, we’re here. Live, Always ON, and Personalized experiences aren’t just dreams or visions anymore; it’s an incredible solution my clients can leverage now. I feel incredibly fortunate to have been a part of this evolution, and from what I can see, we only continue to get better and innovate.

What have been some of your favorite projects you have worked on at ON24?

I am so lucky to work with ON24’s top enterprise clients, which always gets chosen to BETA test our new technologies first. So, I feel like I’m always in on a big and exciting secret that only myself and my customers know about until public launch.

The build-out of the BETA, collaborating with my clients on feedback sessions, and watching the new product rollout based on the work we put into it, is very fulfilling.

How has ON24 helped you with your career development?

I have honestly been blessed with the BEST managers who have always helped me achieve my personal and career goals. I LOVE being an individual contributor at ON24 and part of the Mentor Program to new hires and my colleagues, allowing me to continue my passion for helping others.

What has been your favorite ON24 memory?

There are so many, so it’s hard to narrow them all down!

  • SKO – New Orleans is one. You heard from Mike Thanos on how incredible that gathering of Sales and Customer Success was, and it’s personally been one of the best company gatherings in my career. I hope we can replicate that event again very soon!
  • Personal achievement memories include PClub 2019, Account Manager of the Year, and random Quarterly Quota Crushing!
  • And last but certainly not least, the morning of February 3rd, when ON24 rang that NYSE bell. I was very proud to have been a part of that incredible day!

What excites you most about ON24’s future?

I feel like we’re just at the beginning of the digital transformation, and ON24 is an important leader in the space. I’m excited to see how our product offerings expand and how our technology will evolve over the next five years.

It’s funny because I’ve watched so many of our competitors try to replicate our new products, technologies, and GTM strategy, but they can’t quite seem to get the formula right! I guess we should be flattered!

What advice do you have for prospective ON24 candidates?

Hustle. ON24 is fast-paced, and you need to keep up. We hire the best and brightest, so your competition will be fierce. You will be put into the driver’s seat of your own ON24 race car on day one, so buckle up. You will absolutely succeed if you put in the effort and the time and have a deep passion for the company mission and your clients.

What is your proudest moment as an ON24 employee?

February 3rd, 2021 (when ON24 went public!)

What is unique about ON24?

We checkmark all the boxes for the BEST IN CLASS solution regarding digital experiences, GTM strategies, demand gen, ABM marketing, content management solutions, integrating into the top tech stacks and measuring all of that data in real-time and at scale.

Nobody even comes close.

What has your experience been like adjusting to a fully remote environment?

I’ve always worked at ON24 as a remote employee, so it was more of an adjustment of EVERYONE else going remote!

One huge change is the number of video meetings. Gone are the days of phone conference calls! I got rid of my business phone line and now rely solely on TEAMS. So where before I never really saw anyone, I now get to see everyone’s beautiful faces on the daily!

If you could switch your role with anyone else in the company, who would it be and why?

I would love to switch roles with the Sales Enablement and Sales Contracts teams. There are some fantastic people on those teams, for one, and the other is they both work to help close deals on a daily basis! That’s got to feel good!

What makes the sales team different from other company’s sales teams?

Experience: Between our leadership, account execs, and our amazing SDRs, we probably have more than a thousand years of experience between them! That brings fresh ideas but puts our current strategies into perspective to build upon.

What is the culture like on the ON24 sales team? 

I would describe the ON24 sales team as a fun family game night. Lots of love, but we’re all fiercely competitive! You’ve got the big sister, take you under your wing type of relationships all while competing for the WIN!

It’s most certainly all in good fun in the end because I’ve seen the closest of relationships between sales colleagues, and we’re all very supportive of each other and cheer each other on as often as possible.

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