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Fix My Funnel Part 3: Get Inspired From Top B2B Marketing Leaders

April 19th, 2021 Tessa Barron

If your company’s financial year follows the calendar year (like ON24), you’ll have just entered the second quarter. And chances are, you are likely already feeling a little burnt out, even if the end-of-year targets are a way off.

For those of you who have also been with us for the Fix My Funnel program, you will have also been spending the past few weeks getting to grips with the challenge of plugging leaks in your pipeline.

This blog post is the third in our Fix My Funnel program. Join us for a series of webinars, workshops and exclusive one-on-one sessions with today’s leading B2B marketers, as well as being able to download playbooks, best practice guides and more!

As B2B marketers, we are always busy. It seems like we rarely come up for fresh air and take a look at the bigger picture. But when that happens for too long, our batteries are empty and our enthusiasm evaporates.

Sometimes, what we really need is a shot of inspiration to get us going again. The good news is that we’ve got that for you in the next phase of Fix My Funnel.

What we’re covering in this fix

B2B marketers know they can drive huge growth for the business. Today’s marketing is the most scalable part of the revenue team.

But when you’ve been struggling to prove your impact on the bottom line, it helps to hear from those who’ve gone through the same journey — and come out successfully on the other side.

Our next session will give you just that. On April 22nd, you’ll be able to hear Deb Wolf, Chief Marketing Officer at Integrate, interview Denise Persson, Chief Marketing Officer at Snowflake. In this fireside chat, you’ll discover:

    • How Snowflake successfully pivoted their field marketing team to virtual events in a flash, helping to grow revenues by 124% in one year.
    • The impact of integrating demand gen marketers and sales development reps into a single team.
    • The data the Snowflake team tracks on a daily basis.
    • The key ingredients behind scaling from a product launch in 2015 to $710M in annual revenues by 2021.

So if you haven’t yet done so, make sure to register today for Fix My Funnel so you can get inspired.

What else can we get right now?

Fix My Funnel is all about being able to take actionable steps to diagnose, repair and optimize your B2B marketing efforts.

Given that we want you to feel inspired and energized, this fix provides access to some of our best on-demand webinars and CMO confessions in one place, including:

    • ‘What Does The Future of Marketing Look Like Now?’ featuring ON24, 6sense and Conversica
    • ‘Is an MQL Relevant Today?’ with 6sense and Allocadia
    • ‘Is ABM Just B2B Marketing?’ with Bombora and Sendoso
    • ‘How BetterWorks Drives Value with Tech Stack Synergies’ on the Webinerd Channel

Signing up will also get you access to our previous sessions, which include a curated selection of guides, reports and on-demand webinars at the same spot. And you’ll also get access to a wrap-up ebook at the end of the series.

Sounds great! So what’s next?

If you haven’t yet signed up to Fix My Funnel, what are you waiting for?! Sign up today to get your funnel fixed and maximize your marketing.

Plus, our next fix will feature an exclusive workshop with Heinz Marketing to help bring all your learning together.

Make sure you don’t miss out on the program. We look forward to seeing you there!