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Feature Friday: ON24 Target Analytics

January 31st, 2020 Stephanie Dang

American businesses owe a lot to Peter Drucker, the business philosopher who both coined the term “knowledge worker” and laid the foundations for modern management. For marketers, though, he gave us this common axiom: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”

His truism still holds today, especially as marketing strategy adopts a more data-centric approach. At ON24, actionable and flexible data has and always will be one of our strategic development focus areas.

How ON24 Target Drive Data Insights

To help you refine your marketing strategy, and continue to build and scale your account-based marketing efforts, we’ve designed ON24 Target’s analytics to provide you with valuable insights. Target’s analytical engine ensures you capture in-depth content performance and key audience engagement data to optimize your campaigns for target accounts and personas.

From your Target analytics dashboard, you can review details such as:

  • Overview: Total page views, average engagement minutes and more across all of your published custom and personalized content experience pages.
  • Engagement By Role: Understand which audiences are engaging and their average engagement minutes.
  • Content Performance: Performance of each individual content piece compared with others, with the ability to easily filter based on views, unique viewers and average engagement minutes.
  • Overall Page Performance: Analyze performance trends over time, with the ability to focus on most recent, top-performing or lowest-performing content. Additionally, you can segment by page views, leads, inbound engagement, and more.

Compare and contrast

In addition to the engagement and content performance shown on the dashboard, you can also compare Target page performance across multiple and select pages in one view. See which pages are performing better and which pages resonate most with audiences

With powerful target analytics, you can deliver the right content at the right time, educate your audience and accelerate the buyer’s journey. Use this data to build more personalized, relevant content experiences your audience demands!

If you’d like to learn more about ON24 Target and actionable data to support and scale account-based marketing, check out a Target demo. If you’re an ON24 customer, contact your CSM to get started.