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Feature Friday: Build a Global Brand with ON24

February 28th, 2020 Stephanie Dang

The world is a lot smaller thanks to technology and the internet. You can get your hands on a jacket from that super-hip foreign brand and just as easily as you can reach global audiences in various time zones through digital channels.

Scale Your Global Brand Outreach with ON24

Webinerd in a green jacket adjusts data to reduce churn for her company.

ON24 powers digital experiences across the world, continually focusing on scalability so you can easily and efficiently showcase your content worldwide. Robust features across the ON24 platform alleviate the pains of reaching a different market and audience, while still offering flexibility in building engaging experiences. Let’s explore how ON24’s tools turn your company name into a global brand.

Localize Branded Content

The first step to reaching global audiences is offering content in local languages. The ON24 platform can localize messages and labels on webinars, content hubs and customized landing pages into up to 34 languages, creating a digital experience specifically for that region. Additionally, ON24 Engagement Hub features support audience content-binging regionally. With filters, such as specifying best content for certain markets, those around the world can easily find content that is not only the most relevant but also presented in the preferred language.

      NVIDIA uses Engagement Hub to support regional replays.

Adjust for Time Zones

With Simulive or Sim2Live in ON24 Webcast Elite, users can scale the reach of a single webinar in local time zones with all the elements of a live webinar, without requiring presenters to adjust schedules or present multiple times. Simply record the event and set it for the ideal times in the targeted region. Simulive and Sim2Live let audiences engage with the webinar with polls, downloadable resources and asking questions. Often, they won’t even know the webinar not “live.” And with Sim2Live, you can also switch over to live mode for further interaction and live engagement. These essential features allow you to easily engage in regional audiences and drive global programs.

Deliver Translated Captions

Last year, ON24 Webcast Elite released Automated Captioning so you can not only increase audience accessibility but also reach global audiences. Powerful speech-to-text technology creates captions when presenting in one of more than 10 languages and those captions can be auto-translated into more than 60 languages. And with an easy-to-use in-app editing tool, users can edit those captions for accuracy. Enabling translated captions allows you to reach more audiences without needing to find a different speaker to communicate in the local languages to deliver your brand’s message.

An event presented in English and with Japanese captions.

If you’d like to learn more about scaling your digital experiences for global audiences, please contact us. If you’re already using ON24, please contact your CSM.