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Coming to The #Webinerd Channel: Schneider Electric and Moving Industry Mindsets

July 17th, 2019 Michael Mayday

People, especially people in slow-to-change industries, like their habits and their way of doing things. But today’s digital revolution is upending the old way of doing things — and forcing companies to do things in new ways. So how can an organization get to moving industry mindsets?

On July 24 at 11 a.m. PDT (2 p.m. EDT), Schneider Electric’s, VP of Marketing Communications, Chris Quinn, will show you how he re-educates and shifts perceptions with webinars. During this event, Chris will explain how webinars have played a pivotal role in reshaping market perceptions, educating and engaging customers and driving cross-sell across their products and services.

Attend this session and you’ll learn:

  • How effective webinars can re-educate markets and shift mindsets
  • Ways to design a program that focuses on extracting more value from existing customers
  • Different types of webinars and the role they play in the overall marketing strategy

Don’t want to wait until July 24? Get a head start on educating your audience and moving industry mindsets these blogs:

About The Author

Michael Mayday Headshot

Michael Mayday

Global Lead, Digital Content, ON24

Michael is a B2B content marketer, social media manager, copywriter, ghostwriter, content strategist, SEO lead, content manager, conversational marketer and editor at ON24.