How Box Extends Its Conference with Digital Experience

Conferences, summits, forums. We know in-person events are huge opportunities to directly engage with customers and prospects, but we also know these events require a huge amount of resources to pull off successfully. 

That’s why, when it comes to running in-person events, you need to take a page from Box’s book and add a digital element. Watch this webinar to learn how Box creates exceptional digital experiences that compliment its annual event, BoxWorks, and drives further engagement with its audiences. During this on-demand webinar, you’ll learn how Box:

  • Expanded the reach of its in-person events by 70% with digital connections
  • Curates its library of content to meet the needs of unique personas
  • Drive superior experiences and engagements through its digital channels

Watch now and learn how you can bring your in-person events to the digital space. 
