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Scientific Learning | Case Study | ON24

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How Scientific Learning generates 50% more leads



Use Cases


Scientific Learning Corporation develops, markets, and sells neuroscience-based software and educational products and services designed to increase human learning and performance. The Company’s Fast ForWord product is an intensive, computer-based training program that focuses on improving critical language and reading skills.


With ON24’s webinar platform, Scientific Learning delivered consistent, engaging webinar experiences, streamlined webinar marketing program, and empowered their sales team with robust new lead data.


Debilitating tech issues, lackluster lead generation

Scientific Learning had reached a breaking point. After spending eight grueling hours fixing tech issues for a high-profile event, the webinar team needed a new, reliable platform—one that would also allow participants to join on smartphones and tablets.

Tepid lead generation also hindered the webinar program’s success. Producing only names of registrants, attendees, and the time they attended, the current platform fell short for a sales team that was hungry to sell.


A reliable webinar platform, streamlined marketing, robust sales data

ON24’s webinar platform virtually eliminated tech issues, integrated seamlessly with marketing and sales automation tools, and invigorated sales leads with a wealth of new insight into webinar attendees.

  • Tech issues—solved: ON24’s reliable platform delivers a consistent, high-quality webinar experience. Audio issues that had previously plagued events were virtually eliminated, and attendees can now access webinars on smart phones and tablets.
  • Integration with Salesforce and Marketo: ON24 stitches seamlessly into Scientific Learning’s marketing and sales automation tools, so those efforts are now more effectively integrated with each webinar event.
  • Enhanced attendee insight: Interactive features like participant polls, surveys, and additional resources provide new, valuable lead data, including responses to questions like “How likely are you to inquire further about our products?


  • Consistent, high-quality webinar experience: Hours once spent trouble-shooting tech issues are now dedicated to creating more engaging webinar experiences for audiences everywhere.
  • Improved marketing and sales processes: Seamless integration between ON24 and Scientific Learning’s
    automation tools has created a powerful marketing and sales process for every webinar event.
  • Qualified leads up 50%: Thanks to valuable new insight, sales reps now prioritize leads, decide when, and how to follow up. As a result, they’re having more meaningful conversations.

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